The Nurburgring Diaries Challenge Archives

Saturday, November 26, 2005

jwrehholz's Happy Thanksgiving Budget Rider

The Happy Thanksgiving BR!

Your catering service has landed a huge contract--thanksgiving dinner for a major company. Three huge turkeys and all the fixings are being carefully and lovingly prepared by Chef Boris, a man known for both his fine cuisine and his ridiculous temper. He's also known for his non-punctuality, and as you sit waiting on delivery-day, Chef Boris is taking his sweet time with the meal. Finally, it's ready--all 100 kilos of food. There is, of course, one small problem--you've got to haul it across town, and FAST. You know from past experience with jobs like this that it'll take you and your team at least 20 minutes to get everything set up--and the dinner is set to start in half an hour. Time to drop the hammer.

Oh yeah, and one other thing--Wreck this meal and you answer to Boris.

Vehicle MUST be a station wagon or van.
100 kg of ballast must be placed over the rear axle (as close as you can manage..figure halfway from center to rear)
The car must be street legal (N tires only, no exhaust modifications, no weight reduction, no nitrous)
You go off-track--even dropping ONE wheel--and dinner is ruined.


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