The Nurburgring Diaries Challenge Archives

Saturday, January 07, 2006

jwrebholz's Happy Holiday's Budget Rider

Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the town, every creature and his mother was stirring, trying to get those last-minute gifts down.

I'd just like to note that I HATE holiday shoppers.

Here's your challenge. Wade through the malls and holiday traffic and pick up those last-minute Christmas gifts for your wife, 2 kids and the family dog. Of course you can't go to the mall--if you went there, you'd never get out. So off you go to all the little cute stores around your hometown. You'll run 3 laps (since none of these stores, of course, are anywhere NEAR each other). Run all 3 laps in Track Meet mode to add a little traffic to slog through. Each time, to pick up a gift you must pull over to the side of the road (whichever side would be appropriate in your country--for the US and most of Europe, that's the RIGHT shoulder. For the UK and Australia, that's the LEFT shoulder). Get as far off the road as you can, come to a complete stop and wait for 10 seconds. Then continue on your merry way to the next stop. You can't stop more than twice on each lap, and must stop at least once on each lap, but I'll leave it up to you to decide in what order you want to stop, but here's where you've gotta go: (shouldn't be hard to figure out where these are)
Wife: Adenaur Jewelers, to get a diamond pendant for the old ball 'n' chain (who's been harassing you for months to get her a diamond)
Son: Karussell Toys (said ball and chain insists your spoiled brat of a son deserves an XBox360. He doesn't--but it's the only way to get your wife off your back)
Daughter: Dottinger Recods (your teenage wannabe-goth drama queen daughter wants front-row seats to the upcoming Green Day concert)
Dog: MUTZ R Us (after all the other gifts are paid for, your trusty dog deserves to have something nice, so you're getting him a new doggie bed and some rawhide bones to chew on.)

First though, a little Christmas gift to yourself. Your wife agreed--it's time for a new car. You'll give her the current Family Truckster and go find yourself a new ride. You've budgeted $60,000 for the car and any modifications you want to make--but since the car will be a daily driver, the things you can do are a bit limited. You can't run anything stiffer than a Sport suspension or the wife will complain. You'll need to keep the interior intact, so no weight reduction is allowed. You'll also need to occasionally haul the wife and kids around to one thing or another, so it has to have four doors.

Oh yeah, and you need to get all this stuff bought, paid for, and wrapped before Mrs. Battle-Axe and the brats get home. You've got half an hour. of course the consequences won't be nearly as dire if you get home late--you'll just have to leave everything in the car for a while, and endure the mother of all tongue-lashings from the wife, then spend the night on the couch.


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